How do I extract files from multiple WinRAR archives in one go?
This tutorial will use the command line feature of FileMonkey with the RAR extract utility of WinRAR to extract multiple WinRAR files in one go.
Before you can do this, you will need WinRAR. You can download WinRAR from:
Target Files
Target your files. Click HERE for a targeting tutorial.
When targeting your files, you should use a target pattern of *.rar to target rar files.
If you want to work on rar files in sub folders, check (tick) the "Include Sub Folders" check box.
Once you have targeted your files, select the "Quick-Find, Command Line" menu item from the main window.
The Create/Run batch file window should now be open.
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From the menu bar at the top of this window, select the "File / Load Code" menu item.
This will open the load file dialogue box.
Use this box to navigate to the folder that FileMonkey is installed in (This is usually something like: C:\Program Files\FileMonk)
Select the file Extract RAR.FM and click the "Load" button.
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Next, you need to set the location that you wish all RAR files to be extracted to.
Find the following line in the "Head" section:
set extractTo="C:\_Backup"
Edit this line to reflect the location that you want to extract files to.
For example, if you wish all your files to be extracted to C:\My Documents, then change the line to:
set extractTo="C:\My Documents"
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In the same section, find the following line:
set myProg="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\RAR.exe"
This is usually the location of the file RAR.exe that comes with WinRAR. If you have installed WinRAR in another folder then you need to change this line to reflect the location of RAR.exe
To start the operation, select the "File / Compile And Run" menu item.