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What are tags and what do they mean?

The following tags are available using FoldMonkey:

<oldFileName> Name of current file (before any renaming) excluding the dot extension.

<oldFileExtension> Extension of current file (before any renaming) excluding the initial dot.

<newFileName> Name of file after renaming including the dot extension. If renaming did not occur, this will be the same as the old file name.

<filePath> Path of current file. If moving or copying, this will be the path before the move or copy operation occurred - the original path. There will be no ending back-slash.

<curFold> Folder name of the current file excluding path. For example, for file C:\Windows\System\myfile.txt, this will return "System".

<OriginalSubfolder(s)> The path to the file excluding the initial folder. For example, for file:
this will return "System\MyFolder".

<counter> A numerical counter. This will start at 1 and increase by 1 for each file.

<TextBeforeDash> If the file name contains a hyphen, this will return all text before that hyphen (excluding the hyphen). If there is no hyphen, this will return the file name excluding extension.

<TextAfterDash> If the file name contains a hyphen, this will return all text after that hyphen (excluding the hyphen). If there is no hyphen, this will return nothing.

<oldNameWord1> The first word in the old file name. All non-alphabetical characters will be stripped.

<oldNameWord2> The second word in the old file name. All non-alphabetical characters will be stripped.

<oldNameWord3> The third word in the old file name. All non-alphabetical characters will be stripped.

<CustSub;1;3> For example: <CustSub;2;4> will return a portion of the file name, starting from the second character, 4 characters in length.

<CustSubContent;1;3> For example: <CustSubContent;2;8> will return a portion of file contents, starting from the second character, 8 characters in length.

Dates ss: seconds
mi: minutes
hh: hours
dd: days
mm: months
yy: years

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