The date that the file or folder was last opened by you or by your computer
A file attribute. A file is marked as archive = true if your computer thinks that this file has not been backed up. All copied, renamed or newly created files will have a positive archive flag. A file that has just been saved will have a positive archive flag.
All files and folders possess attributes. An attribute is a characteristic or property of a file defined by your operating system. The common attributes of files and folders are hidden, read-only and archive. If you right click on a file and select properties, the attributes of that file should be at the bottom of the properties window.
Binary File
Non-plain-text compiled file type. For example, bmp, gif, jpeg, mp3, wav, exe. These file types rely on a set structure to run correctly. If that structure is corrupted then these file types may not run correctly.
The state of case of characters be they upper-case or lower case. Chiefly: capitalization of file names, folder names or file contents.
Case Sensitive
If something is case sensitive then lower case letters are considered to be different to uppercase letters. If something is not case sensitive then lower case letters are considered to be the same as upper case letters
Check Box
An input field. Allows you to set options when configuring a window. This is a small white square that when checked, contains a small black tick (check). When un-checked, this box does not contain anything.
The data held within a file
The date that the file or folder was created
Every file or folder is marked with 3 different dates. (Modified, Accessed, Created)
Disk operating system.
Dos Format
A file naming convention used by the DOS shell. File names are stored as a unique 8 character name plus a 3 character extension
To garble a file for security purposes. Only a key holder can un-garble the file
The part of a file name that occurs after the last period (dot). Usually 3 characters long excluding the period.
To scan files for text and then list that text.
File allocation table. Index of all folders and files on a disc.
A portion on a disk set aside for the storage of data
File Pattern
The pattern used to match target file names. If a file name does not match a the file pattern then the file is not a target file and is not displayed in the main window.
File operations utility
To find something on your computer
A portion in your FAT set aside to index files and sub-folders
Free Space
The un-used portion of a disc. Contains null characters and deleted data.
An attribute (property) of a file. Hidden files are not visible by your system. You can set up your operating system so that you cannot see hidden files. Hidden files cannot be deleted using the DOS shell delete command.
To take a number of files and stick them together to make a big file
A word contained within a file that is characteristic of said file
To list files or folders
A file or folder that is in use by Windows and therefore cannot be accessed/edited. For example, an mp3 file that is being played generally cannot be renamed.
Capitalization. Lowercase letters are ordinary non-capital letters. Uppercase letters are capital letters. "example text. example" - all lowercase.
The date the file was last written to by you or your computer
The handle of a specific file or folder
Proper Case
All words lowercase except the first letter of each new sentance. "Example text. Example." - Proper case
Read Only
File or folder attribute. Files are often marked as read-only if they have just been copied from a read-only cd.
To search for something and then substitute it for something else
Search Phrase
| A phrase to look for
Search Word
A word to look for
To rename files or folders to match a sequence. Typically numeric like, 1,2,3,...
The size of a file. Measured in basic units (bytes) or Kilobytes (1 Kb = 1024 bytes) or Mega-bytes (1 Mb = 1000 Kb or 1024 KB depending on which definition you choose to use)
To take a large file and cut it up into many smaller files with the intension of transporting and then joining those small pieces together again on another machine.
A folder contained within a target folder
Non-specific term meaning any object (file or folder) that FileMonkey has targeted for any operation
Target Drive
The drive that contains the target files and target folder(s)
Target File
Any file that FileMonkey works on is called a target file. Target files are displayed in the main window
Target Folder
The folder that contains target files or any folder that FileMonkey works on when FileMonkey is working on folders rather than files
Trim (crop or cut) a file name, folder name or file contents. You can cut data from the start or end.
Capitalization. Uppercase letters are capital letters. Lowercase letters are ordinary non-capital letters. "EXAMPLE TEXT. EXAMPLE." - all uppercase.
To permanently remove from your computer. Wiped files cannot be recovered whereas deleted files can sometimes be recovered.