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What types of file can FileMonkey merge? Can FileMonkey merge pdf, avi or doc files?

FileMonkey will merge all file types end to end (plain text and binary). This is useful for files such as html, javascript, perl, c++ and other plain text file formats.

In general, binary file types will not run correctly after they are merged (depending on the file type). And others may run correctly depending on how intelligent the software that is running them is.

Common binary file types are: doc, xls, pdf, avi, mp3 and many more.

For the best results, you should try and find a package designed specifically for the file type that you are trying to merge.

For example, if you are joining word documents, pdf files or excel workbooks, click HERE for a package designed specifically for this.

To be sure, you can test FileMonkey on your binary files.

For example, if you want to merge 2 mp3 files then use FileMonkey to merge them. Then use whatever software you use to run mp3 files to run the merged mp3 file. If the file runs correctly all the way through then FileMonkey can merge these and similar files. You need to pay particular attention to the portion of the file where the files were joined and there after.

For example: If you have 2 mp3 files, 1 that is 2 mintues long and the other that is 3 minutes long and you then merge those files, you need to check that the merged file will run properly, run properly around the 2 minutes mark and run properly near the end of the file.

The simplest way to test the mp3 file is by playing it all the way through.

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