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I am new to FileMonkey, how does it work?


In the main window, target (display) the files that you wish to work on.

To target all files in the displayed folder, select the "Targets / Target all files" menu item from the top of the main window.

To change the folder, left-click down the folder tree on the left of the main window.

If you want to work on files in sub-folders, you will be given the option later.


When you have targeted your files, launch a feature using the "Quick-Find" menu item at the top center of the main window.

A menu will appear. Select the operation that you wish to perform from the menu.

This will open a window where you can set further options before performing the operation.


When you are satisfied that you have set up the options as you require, click on the "Start" button to start the operation.

This will perform the operation that you have setup, on the files that you have selected in the main window.

There is a basic tutorial available from: HERE.

Or, you can contact us.

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