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The file renamer has numbered my files around unpredictably, why is this?

The following has occurred:

1. You used the rename feature
2. Your files were successfully renamed from 1 to 100 (for example)
3. When you looked at the files, you expected them to be 1,2,3,4 ... 100
4. The files were actually 1,10,100,11,12...99

This is because files are displayed alphabetically on your computer. 11 comes after 100 because 1 comes after 0 in the alphabet (this should not be an issue if you are running Windows XP or greater).

You can get around this issue by using the "Align 0's" (leading zeros) field in JPEG Japery's rename files window. This will append a number of zero's to the start of each file name. Set this value according to the following rule:

If you have 1-9 files, use an align 0's value of 1 or higher
If you have 1-99 files, use an align 0's value of 2 or higher
If you have 1-999 files, use an align 0's value of 3 or higher
If you have 1-9999 files, use an align 0's value of 4 or higher
and so on.

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